When we moved in, there was a washing line. The previous owner was tall, and I had to let the lines sag in order to reach them. So we turned it into a bird table.

I’m so glad that the “28s” (Australian Ringneck Parrots) enjoy it, because I had been missing them after we moved from Northam where they were so plentiful.

Of course there are also the gentle little doves, as there were in Northam too.

In fact, the doves have become so much at home, that they have built a scrappy little nest on our neighbour’s ladder which is hanging on the wall outside our bedroom window. (The neighbours don’t know yet because they are away for a couple of weeks).

Day and night, these little birds sit on the nest. We have seen them swap places a couple of times, and we eagerly await the arrival of the babies, if all goes well.

And then there’s that beautiful green lawn.

That’s our lovely new ‘lawn’ from Tauro Turf. Highly recommended if you want a beautiful lawn that doesn’t need watering or mowing.