Using Your Journal to Beat Depression

Practical Ideas and Shared Experiences

It is a serious little book, applying ideas about using a journal to the very real problems facing those who suffer from some degree of depression. The book is based on my own experience, and I hope it will be helpful to some.

This is a very practical book about how to make better use of your journal to improve your mental health.

If you are suffering from Depression, or if you have a friend who is, then you will find this little book very helpful. Perhaps you are just feeling a little bit ‘down’ or ‘blue’, and want to feel better, or you have mostly got over a bout of depression and you want to make sure that you don’t suffer a relapse.
This book clearly explains how to make use of your personal journal to find your way out of your depression. You should still see your doctor, and keep on taking your medications if you have them. Using your journal properly will help to speed up your recovery, and make sure it is long lasting so that you don’t relapse.
Written from the perspective of personal experience, this book does not promise a quick or easy cure, just good practical advice to help sufferers return to good mental health.
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