If you want to travel to somewhere that is really different, then China is a great place to visit!
However, it is always a good idea to learn as much as you can before you go, so that you can enjoy it more and have less potential difficulties.
Here are articles which I have written for the website: China Educational Tours, which takes a special interest in tours to China for school groups, but also welcomes individuals and other private groups. This tour company has a strong interest in letting people see the real living, breathing China, and not just souvenir shops.
What do Chinese people eat for breakfast?
Interesting Snacks and Street Foods
Why do Chinese people talk so loudly?
Privacy and Personal Space in China
Street Stall and Bargaining Skills in China
How to cross the street in China
Recommended Apps for travel in China
Is the Internet available in China?
What is a Chinese overnight train like?
How can I travel safely in China if I have allergies?
Why are Chinese flights always delayed?
Is it safe to travel in China?
How to pack for your trip to China
Top 10 Heritage Sites in China
Top 10 Facts about the Great Wall
Facts about Education in China
Education: China versus Western
And … there are lots and lots of other interesting articles on the website, not written by me (but a lot of them were edited by me).