The Healing Plant

I have traveled, and had lots of adventures. And I have worked hard for many years, caring for a growing family and and teaching energetically. Of course I’m a bit sore now that it is time to retire and take it easy. But my aches and pains felt like it was more than just that. So I began a round of doctors’ visits and endless tests.

At the end of the day, after a heap of negative results, I received the frustrating fibromyalgia diagnosis. Although it was a relief not to have anything more serious, living with this debilitating condition presents its own set of problems. The medical profession offers a whole range of medications, each with its own side-effects – including the probability of addiction – and with no guaranteed effective pain relief.

So I started looking around for other alternatives, and I came across the healing plant – cannabis.

In Australia, cannabis use is still illegal, but it can be obtained under special circumstances (including fibromyalgia) as “Medicinal Cannabis“.

Researching everything cannabis plus medicine, I started doing some writing for an Australian cannabis information website based in Byron Bay. HinterlandCo now has several of my articles available:

Of course, there are other articles on the site. More and more people are convinced about the healing properties of this plant. We are hoping that it won’t be long before good sense prevails and it is easier to obtain.