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Together Peter and I travelled to work in five countries outside of Australia, over more than ten years, and we also did some travelling within Australia. And pretty much since blogs were invented I have used them as a way of keeping my memories, and also for keeping in touch with family and friends (rather than sending newsletters). So these are my blogs – not the kind that express opinions or sell products, just comments about the places I’ve been:

Howling Pigeons of LongHu (two years in China)

Turklish Adventure (Istanbul, Turkey)

The British Job (Sheffield, Yorkshire, UK)

Torquay Talkie (Torquay, Devon, UK)

Porridge in Norwich (Norwich, East Anglia, UK)

Howdi Saudi (Riyadh, Saudi Arabia)

Not Riyadh (Australia, New Zealand, Fiji – a holiday)

How Woomba is TOOwoomba? (Toowoomba, Queensland, Australia)

Brisbane Master Class (Brisbane, Queensland, Australia)

For We Are Jolly Good Fellows (Kuala Terengganu, Malaysia)

Northam KnightSt (Northam, WA, Australia)

A MERry Life (Mer or Murray Island, Torres Strait, Queensland, Australia – in the ’80s)